The Backyard is a backyard wrestling documentary directed, produced and edited by Paul Hough (Director of The Angel) and features former WWE and current TNA professional wrestler Rob Van Dam. Released in the USA by HiQi Media and Image Entertainment, the documentary originally received a rating of NC-17 from the MPAA.
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The Backyard is about kids who can't afford to go to professional wrestling school and instead wrestle in their backyards using weapons such as barbed wire, glass and staple guns. The film tracks several wrestlers in Arizona, Nevada, California, New York and England.
The Backyard was released in theaters in Germany and had a limited theatrical run in USA. It was released onto DVD in all English speaking territories and played on TV in the UK (Channel 4) and Netherlands. The Backyard was also one of the first documentaries ever to be released onto the Portable Sony Playstation (PSP).
Wrestlers from the film appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live to promote the film's release in New York. The Backyard was also featured on The Jenny Jones as one of the Top 5 Documentaries of 2002.
The Backyard was scored by Seth Jordan (SJ). SJ
The Backyard is called "Astounding" by the New York Times: [1]
The Backyard is called "First-rate" by The Chicago Tribune: [2]
The Backyard is called "A fascinating emotional rollercoaster" by Film Threat [3]
The Backyard is not for the squeamish, but for those unafraid to look at what is, perhaps, their own metaphorical "backyard," for those willing to stare into the long, dark night of the contemporary American soul, its bone-crunching message is worth hearing" - Washington Post [4]
The Backyard review in TV Guide [5]